2022 is fast coming to an end. I was supposed to release two songs over the Summer. One titled “Life Goes On”, the other titled “Beautiful the Way You Are”. Unfortunately the releases were delayed for one reason or another. But “Life Goes On” has finally been scheduled for release October 7th, and I hope to release “Beautiful the Way You Are” by the end of October.
Both songs are Summer songs, technically, so it’s too bad I was not able to release them in the Summer. But when all is said and done, it doesn’t matter when the songs are released. Besides, there are places in the world where the temperature will still be warm and the days sunny during the Fall and Winter seasons. And the sun shines in the Fall and Winter so the lyrics can apply regardless of the season.
It’s been an interesting time of life for me the past couple of years. I find myself at a turning point of sorts. Or maybe it’s more like at a crossroad. I can keep going on the path I’ve been taking since I began this journey as a singer songwriter. Or I could veer off and start walking a different path. It almost seems that the choice is obvious. I need to veer off this path and start walking a different path. I clearly will not arrive where I am trying to go if I keep on the current path. There are too many obstacles and I just don’t have the ability to surmount them even if I have the will to try. But it doesn’t have to mean I give up on my music. I can still do my music while walking down a different path. It’s just that I will have to accept that the path I take will not be a path that leads to any possibility of my music ever being heard. I don’t have to give up my music, although that is something I also need to make decisions about considering the expense. But I do need to give up on the fantasy that I will ever write a song that becomes heard and liked by enough people that it brings recognition for my name and my efforts.
I will wait until after my next song to make a decision one way or another–that’s if I am ever able to complete the song on which I’m working now. It’s tentatively titled “Hit The Road”. I look forward to being able to get it done before the end of 2022. Then I will decide where to take this journey in 2023.
Sometimes you just don’t have what people are looking for and they have no interest in what you are offering. And you have to accept that for what it is. It can be a hard truth to face and a hard thing to accept. Sometimes you want to keep going because you want to show the world that you can still succeed even while nobody believes in you but you. And some people can actually get that done because they’re able to turn their will into a convincing enough performance. But if you can’t quiet your doubters convincingly at some point in all the effort you make, you have to consider that it might be best to quit trying.
I’ve not decided to quit trying just yet. But I’m definitely due for some serious decision making about the future of my singing and songwriting ambition. For now, life goes on…